My PRIMARY GOAL is to provide my Clients with a PROFESSIONAL as well as EXCITING / EMPOWERING / UNIQUE Photo Shoot EXPERIENCE. The EYE-DAZZLING Images are a Bonus.
Retainer Fee quoted does not include taxes. Retainer Fee DOES NOT INCLUDE Images. Clients view images after session to purchase selected photos/products.
Note: All Session Retainer fees are non-refundable, as this holds a particular date for you - which I then can not fill with another potential client.
I am a Print/Product based studio. I primarily offer print products for my clients except for Headshots which are digital products.
I have learned through the years that though some clients feel they may want "digitals", they are actually Thankful and Emotional after receiving Print Product(s).
I do offer Social Media sized Digitals for your chosen products as well as Hi-Res Digitals of your chosen products (depending on print size).
Hi-Res Digitals available for certain sessions, such as Head Shots and Model Portfolios.
My Product Price List is a la Carte - (so there is no minimum to purchase). Select only those images/products you desire. There are MONEY SAVING Product "Collections" available as well.
A link for my complete Product Price List is available after a telephone inquiry or client booking.